Source code for andesite.combined_client

"""Combined client for Andesite.

This client combines the `WebSocket` and `HTTP` clients.

There is the `ClientBase` which is simply the implementation
of `AbstractWebSocket` and `AbstractHTTP` and then there
is the actual client `Client`.

You can use the combined client for everything that implements
the abstract methods. This means that you can use the combined client
for `ClientPool` clients!

import asyncio
from contextlib import suppress
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

import aiobservable
from yarl import URL

import andesite

__all__ = ["ClientBase", "Client", "create_client"]

[docs]class ClientBase(aiobservable.Observable, andesite.AbstractWebSocket, andesite.AbstractHTTP): """Implementation of `AbstractWebSocket` and `AbstractHTTP`. Args: http_client: Client to use for the http endpoints. web_socket_client: Client to use for the web socket communication. The `event_target` of the web socket client is set to the combined client. This class implements `AbstractWebSocketClient` if the underlying web socket client is an instance of it. However, an `isinstance` check will always return `False`. If the underlying client is not an instance of `AbstractWebSocketClient`, all related methods will return `None`. Attributes: http (AbstractHTTP): HTTP client which is used for the `AbstractAndesiteHTTP` methods. web_socket (AbstractWebSocket): WebSocket client which is used for the `AbstractAndesiteWebSocket` methods. """ http: andesite.AbstractHTTP web_socket: andesite.AbstractWebSocket def __init__(self, http_client: andesite.AbstractHTTP, web_socket_client: andesite.AbstractWebSocket) -> None: super().__init__() self.http = http_client self.web_socket = web_socket_client # set the web socket client's event target to our event target # self.event_target will most likely resolve to self, but maybe # the user is trying to pull some inception shit with nested # clients and who would I be to deny them their fun? web_socket_client.event_target.add_child(self.event_target) # bind the methods directly self.send = web_socket_client.send self.request = http_client.request def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}(http_client={self.http!r}, web_socket_client={self.web_socket!r})" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.http}, {self.web_socket})" @property def closed(self) -> bool: """Whether this client is closed and can no longer be used. This is `True` if either of the underlying clients is closed. """ return self.http.closed or self.web_socket.closed @property def state(self) -> Optional[andesite.AbstractState]: return self.web_socket.state @state.setter def state(self, value: Optional[andesite.AbstractState]) -> None: self.web_socket.state = value @property def connected(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Whether the web socket client is connected and usable. This method returns `None` if the web socket client isn't a `AbstractWebSocketClient`. """ if not isinstance(self.web_socket, andesite.AbstractWebSocketClient): return None return self.web_socket.connected @property def connection_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """Connection id of the web socket client. This method returns `None` if the web socket client isn't a `AbstractWebSocketClient`. """ if not isinstance(self.web_socket, andesite.AbstractWebSocketClient): return None return self.web_socket.connection_id
[docs] async def connect(self, *, max_attempts: int = None) -> None: """Connect the underlying web socket client. Args: max_attempts: Amount of connection attempts to perform before aborting. If `None`, unlimited attempts will be performed. This method doesn't do anything if the web socket client isn't a `AbstractWebSocketClient`. """ if not isinstance(self.web_socket, andesite.AbstractWebSocketClient): return await self.web_socket.connect(max_attempts=max_attempts)
[docs] async def disconnect(self) -> None: """Disconnect the underlying web socket client. This method doesn't do anything if the web socket client isn't a `AbstractWebSocketClient`. """ if not isinstance(self.web_socket, andesite.AbstractWebSocketClient): return await self.web_socket.disconnect()
[docs] async def send(self, guild_id: int, op: str, payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Send a message using the web socket client. See Also: Refer to `AbstractWebSocket.send` for the documentation. """ await self.web_socket.send(guild_id, op, payload)
[docs] async def close(self) -> None: """Close the underlying clients. This closes both the http and the web socket client. Since the `close` method shouldn't raise an exception anyway, all exceptions are suppressed. This ensures that both clients' close methods are called. """ with suppress(Exception): await self.http.close() with suppress(Exception): await self.web_socket.close()
[docs] async def reset(self) -> None: """Reset the underlying clients so they may be used again. This has the opposite effect of the `close` method making the clients usable again. """ await asyncio.gather(self.http.reset(), self.web_socket.reset())
[docs] async def request(self, method: str, path: str, **kwargs) -> Any: """Perform a request on the http client. See Also: Refer to `AbstractHTTP.request` for the documentation. """ return await self.http.request(method, path, **kwargs)
[docs]class Client(andesite.WebSocketInterface, andesite.HTTPInterface, ClientBase): """Andesite client which combines the web socket with the http client. Args: http_client: Client to use for the http endpoints. web_socket_client: Client to use for the web socket communication. This class implements `AbstractWebSocketClient` if the underlying web socket client is an instance of it. However, an `isinstance` check will always return `False`. If the underlying client is not an instance of `AbstractWebSocketClient`, all related methods will return `None`. Attributes: http (AbstractHTTP): HTTP client which is used for the `AbstractHTTP` methods. web_socket (AbstractWebSocket): WebSocket client which is used for the `AbstractWebSocket` methods. """ ...
[docs]def create_client(http_uri: Union[str, URL], web_socket_uri: Union[str, URL], password: Optional[str], user_id: int, *, state: andesite.StateArgumentType = None) -> Client: """Create a new combined Andesite client. Args: http_uri: URI for the http endpoint web_socket_uri: URI for the web socket endpoint password: Andesite password for authorization user_id: User ID state: State handler to use. Defaults to in-memory `State`. You can pass `False` to disable state handling. Returns: A new combined client with `HTTPBase` and `WebSocketBase` as its clients. """ http_client = andesite.HTTPBase(http_uri, password) web_socket_client = andesite.WebSocketBase(web_socket_uri, user_id, password) inst = Client(http_client, web_socket_client) inst.state = state return inst