Source code for andesite.http_client

"""Client for Andesite's HTTP routes.

There are multiple client classes in this module.
If you just want to use Andesite's HTTP endpoints,
use `HTTP`.

`HTTPInterface` contains the implementation
of the endpoint methods. It's an abstract base class,
if you want to inherit its methods you need to implement

Finally there is `HTTPBase` which is just the default
implementation of `AbstractHTTP`. `HTTP` is
just a combination of `HTTPBase` and `HTTPInterface`.

    USER_AGENT (str): User agent used by the `HTTP` client.
    SearcherType (Union[Searcher, str]): (Type alias) Types supported by `get_searcher`

import abc
import logging
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Union

import aiohttp
import yarl

import andesite
from .transform import build_from_raw, seq_build_all_items_from_raw

__all__ = ["USER_AGENT", "HTTPError",
           "Searcher", "SearcherType", "get_searcher",
           "AbstractHTTP", "HTTPInterface",
           "HTTPBase", "HTTP"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

USER_AGENT = f"{andesite.__version__} ("

[docs]class HTTPError(Exception): """Andesite error. Attributes: code (int): HTTP error code message (str): Message sent by Andesite """ __slots__ = ("code", "message") code: int message: str def __init__(self, code: int, message: str) -> None: super().__init__(message, code) self.code = code self.message = message def __str__(self) -> str: return f"AndesiteError ({self.code}): {self.message}"
[docs]class Searcher(Enum): """Supported search engines for Andesite.""" YOUTUBE = "ytsearch" SOUNDCLOUD = "scsearch"
SearcherType = Union[Searcher, str]
[docs]def get_searcher(searcher: SearcherType) -> Searcher: """Get the `Searcher` for the given `SearcherType`. Args: searcher: Searcher to resolve. If searcher happens to be of type `Searcher` already, it is simply returned. This function can resolve the following `Searcher` specifications: - `Searcher` instance - Searcher id (i.e. "ytsearch", "scsearch") - Service name (i.e. "youtube", "soundcloud"). Note that the casing doesn't matter, as the provided names are converted to uppercase. Raises: TypeError: Invalid searcher type passed. ValueError: If searcher is a string but doesn't resolve to a valid searcher. """ if isinstance(searcher, Searcher): return searcher elif isinstance(searcher, str): try: return Searcher[searcher.upper()] except KeyError: # if this causes a ValueError, just let it raise return Searcher(searcher) else: raise TypeError(f"Can only resolve {SearcherType}, not {type(searcher)}: {searcher}")
[docs]class AbstractHTTP(abc.ABC): """Abstract base class which requires a request method and a close method.""" __slots__ = () @property @abc.abstractmethod def closed(self) -> bool: """Whether or not the client is closed. If the client is closed it is no longer usable. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def close(self) -> None: """Close the underlying connections and clean up. This should be called when you no longer need the client. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def reset(self) -> None: """Reset the client so it may be used again. This has the opposite effect of the `close` method making the client usable again. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def request(self, method: str, path: str, **kwargs) -> Any: """Perform a request and return the JSON response. Args: method: HTTP method to use path: Path relative to the base url. Must not start with a slash! **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the request This method is used by all other methods to perform their respective task. You should use the provided methods whenever possible. Raises: HTTPError: If Andesite returns an error. """ ...
[docs]class HTTPInterface(AbstractHTTP, abc.ABC): """Abstract implementation of the endpoints. This does not include the player routes, as they are already covered by the `WebSocket`. The client uses the user agent `USER_AGENT` for every request. """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] async def get_stats(self) -> andesite.Stats: """Get the node's statistics. Raises: HTTPError: If Andesite returns an error. """ data = await self.request("GET", "stats") return build_from_raw(andesite.Stats, data)
[docs] async def load_tracks(self, identifier: str) -> andesite.LoadedTrack: """Load tracks. Args: identifier: Identifier to load. The identifier isn't handled in any way so it supports the search syntax for example. Raises: HTTPError: If Andesite returns an error. See Also: `search_tracks` to search for a track using a query. """ data = await self.request("GET", "loadtracks", params=dict(identifier=identifier)) return build_from_raw(andesite.LoadedTrack, data)
[docs] async def load_tracks_safe(self, uri: str) -> andesite.LoadedTrack: """Load tracks from url. This is different from `load_tracks` insofar that it ignores special markers such as "ytsearch:" and treats the given uri as nothing but that. Args: uri: URI to load Raises: HTTPError: If Andesite returns an error. See Also: `load_tracks` to load a track using an identifier. `search_tracks` to search for a track using a query. """ return await self.load_tracks(f"raw:{uri}")
[docs] async def search_tracks(self, query: str, *, searcher: SearcherType = Searcher.YOUTUBE) -> andesite.LoadedTrack: """Search tracks. Args: query: Search query to search for searcher: Specify the searcher to use. Defaults to YouTube. See `Searcher` for the supported searchers. Raises: HTTPError: If Andesite returns an error. Notes: This is a utility method for the `load_tracks` method. A search query is just an identifier with the format "<searcher>:<query>". """ searcher_id = get_searcher(searcher).value return await self.load_tracks(f"{searcher_id}:{query}")
[docs] async def decode_track(self, track: str) -> Optional[andesite.TrackInfo]: """Get the `TrackInfo` from the encoded track data. Notes: If you find yourself using this method a lot, you might want to use `lptrack <>`_ which can decode and encode the track data locally. Args: track: base 64 encoded track data to decode. Returns: `TrackInfo` of the provided data, `None` if the data is invalid. Note that this method doesn't raise `HTTPError`! If you need the `HTTPError` to be raised, use `decode_tracks`. See Also: Please use `decode_tracks` if you need to decode multiple encoded strings at once! """ try: data = await self.request("POST", "decodetrack", json=dict(track=track)) except HTTPError as e: if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): log.debug(f"Couldn't decode track: {e}") return None else: return build_from_raw(andesite.TrackInfo, data)
[docs] async def decode_tracks(self, tracks: Iterable[str]) -> List[andesite.TrackInfo]: """Get the `TrackInfo` from multiple encoded track data strings. Args: tracks: `Iterable` of base 64 encoded track data to decode. Returns: List of `TrackInfo` in order of the provided tracks. Raises: HTTPError: If Andesite returns an error. """ data = await self.request("POST", "decodetracks", json=list(tracks)) seq_build_all_items_from_raw(data, andesite.TrackInfo) return data
[docs]class HTTPBase(AbstractHTTP): """Standard implementation of `AbstractHTTP`. Args: password: Password to use for authorization. Use `None` if the Andesite node does not have a password set. See Also: `HTTP` for the client which includes the `HTTPInterface` methods. """ __base_url: yarl.URL __session: Optional[aiohttp.ClientSession] __headers: Dict[str, str] def __init__(self, uri: Union[str, yarl.URL], password: Optional[str]) -> None: self.__base_url = yarl.URL(uri) headers = {"User-Agent": USER_AGENT} if password is not None: headers["Authorization"] = password self.__headers = headers self.__session = None def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}(uri={self.__base_url!r}, password=[HIDDEN])" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.__base_url})" @property def aiohttp_session(self) -> aiohttp.ClientSession: """Client session used to make requests.""" if self.__session is None:"creating aiohttp client session for %s", self) self.__session = aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=self.__headers) return self.__session @property def closed(self) -> bool: if self.__session is not None: return self.__session.closed return False
[docs] async def close(self) -> None: if self.__session:"%s: closing aiohttp session", self) await self.__session.close() else: log.debug("%s: called close without ever creating a session, doing nothing", self)
[docs] async def reset(self) -> None: log.debug("resetting ") self.__session = None
[docs] async def request(self, method: str, path: str, **kwargs) -> Any: url = self.__base_url / path if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): log.debug(f"performing {method} request for endpoint {path} with arguments: {kwargs}") async with self.aiohttp_session.request(method, url, **kwargs) as resp: data = await resp.json(content_type=None) if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): log.debug(f"got data: {data}") if resp.status >= 400: try: code = data["code"] message = data["message"] except KeyError: log.debug("Couldn't extract keys \"code\" and \"message\" from data, letting aiohttp raise!") resp.raise_for_status() else: raise HTTPError(code, message) return data
[docs]class HTTP(HTTPBase, HTTPInterface): """Client for Andesite's HTTP endpoints. See Also: `HTTPBase` for more details. """ ...