Source code for andesite.models.filters

"""Andesite audio filters.

    FILTER_MAP (Mapping[str, Type[Filter]]): Mapping from filter name to filter class.
        See: `get_filter_model`.
    FilterMapLike (Union[FilterMap, Dict[str, Union[Filter, RawDataType]]]): (Type alias) Type of objects which
        can be used as filter maps. This includes the `FilterMap`.
import abc
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from operator import eq
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Set, Type, TypeVar, Union, \

from andesite.transform import RawDataType, build_from_raw, convert_to_raw

__all__ = ["Filter",
           "EqualizerBand", "Equalizer",
           "FilterMap", "FilterMapLike"]

def _ensure_in_interval(value: float, *,
                        low: float = None, low_inc: float = None,
                        up: float = None, up_inc: float = None) -> None:
    """Ensure a value is within an interval.

        ValueError: If the provided value isn't within the given
    low_symbol: Optional[str] = None
    up_symbol: Optional[str] = None
    valid: bool = True

    if low_inc is not None:
        low_symbol = f"[{low_inc}"
        if not value >= low:
            valid = False
    elif low is not None:
        low_symbol = f"({low}"
        if not value > low:
            valid = False

    if up_inc is not None:
        up_symbol = f"{up_inc}]"
        if not value <= up_inc:
            valid = False
    elif up is not None:
        up_symbol = f"{up})"
        if value < up_inc:
            valid = False

    if not valid:
        low_symbol = low_symbol or "[-INF"
        up_symbol = up_symbol or "INF]"
        raise ValueError(f"Provided value ({value}) not in interval {low_symbol}, {up_symbol}!")

class _Filter(abc.ABC):
    """Filter with name.

        __filter_name__ (str): Name of the filter.
            This is a magic attribute used by the library
            to convert the filter into its Andesite representation.
    __filter_name__: str

[docs]@dataclass class Filter(_Filter, abc.ABC): """Audio filter for Andesite. Attributes: enabled (bool): Whether or not the filter is enabled. This value is mostly useful when receiving the filters from Andesite. However you can also set it to `False` when sending filters. This will cause the settings to be ignored and instead the default values are sent to Andesite which will cause the filter to be disabled. When creating a new `Filter` instance its values are set to the default value. """ enabled: bool = True
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Reset the filter settings back to their default values.""" self.__init__()
@classmethod def __transform_output__(cls, data: RawDataType) -> RawDataType: enabled = data.pop("enabled") if enabled: return data else: # create a new instance (which uses the defaults) and return its data return convert_to_raw(cls())
[docs]@dataclass class EqualizerBand: """ Attributes: band (int): band number to configure ( 0 - 14 ) gain (float): value to set for the band ( [-0.25, 1.0] ) """ band: int gain: float = 0.0
[docs] def set_band(self, value: int) -> None: """Setter for :py:attr:`band` which performs a value check. Args: value: Value to set for the band. ( [0, 14] ) Raises: ValueError: if the provided value is invalid. """ _ensure_in_interval(value, low_inc=0, up_inc=14) = value
[docs] def set_gain(self, value: float) -> None: """Setter for :py:attr:`gain` which performs a value check. Args: value: Value to set for the gain. ( [-0.25, 1] ) Raises: ValueError: if the provided value is invalid. """ _ensure_in_interval(value, low_inc=-.25, up_inc=1) self.gain = value
[docs]@dataclass class Equalizer(Filter): """ Attributes: bands (List[EqualizerBand]): array of bands to configure """ __filter_name__ = "equalizer" bands: List[EqualizerBand] = field(default_factory=list) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EqualizerBand]: return iter(self.bands) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Equalizer): for my_gain, other_gain in zip(self.iter_band_gains(), other.iter_band_gains()): if my_gain != other_gain: return False return True else: return NotImplemented def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.iter_band_gains()) @classmethod def __transform_input__(cls, data: RawDataType) -> None: # Andesite sends the equalizer filter as an array of floats bands = data["bands"] for i, gain in enumerate(bands): bands[i] = EqualizerBand(i, gain)
[docs] @classmethod def from_gains(cls, gains: Iterable[Optional[float]]) -> "Equalizer": """Create an `Equalizer` filter from a list of gains. Args: gains: Iterable of `float` which correspond to the gain for the band, or `None` if the band doesn't specify a gain. """ bands: List[EqualizerBand] = [] for i, gain in enumerate(gains): if gain is not None: bands.append(EqualizerBand(i, gain)) return cls(True, bands)
@overload def get_band(self, band: int) -> EqualizerBand: ... @overload def get_band(self, band: int, create: bool) -> Optional[EqualizerBand]: ...
[docs] def get_band(self, band: int, create: bool = True) -> Optional[EqualizerBand]: """Get the specified band from the bands list. If the band doesn't exist it is created. If you don't want to automatically create a band, pass `create=False`. Args: band: Band number to get create: Whether or not to create a new band if it doesn't exist. (Defaults to True) """ try: return next(band for band in self.bands if == band) except StopIteration: pass if not create: return None band = EqualizerBand(band) self.bands.append(band) return band
[docs] def get_band_gain(self, band: int) -> Optional[float]: """Get the gain of a band. Returns: Gain of the band or `None` if it doesn't exist. """ band = self.get_band(band, create=False) if band: return band.gain else: return None
[docs] def set_band_gain(self, band: int, gain: float) -> None: """Set the gain of a band to the specified value. If the band does not exist it is created. Args: band: Band number to set the gain for. gain: Value to set for the gain. ( [-0.25, 1] ) Raises: ValueError: if the provided gain is invalid. """ self.get_band(band).set_gain(gain)
@overload def iter_band_gains(self, use_default: bool) -> List[Optional[float]]: ... @overload def iter_band_gains(self) -> List[float]: ...
[docs] def iter_band_gains(self, use_default: bool = True) -> List[Optional[float]]: """Get a list of all the bands' gains in order. Args: use_default: Whether or not to replace non-existent values with the default gain. If `False` and band doesn't have a gain set, `None` is used instead. """ default_value: Union[float, None] = EqualizerBand.gain if use_default else None gains: List[Optional[float]] = 15 * [default_value] for band in self: gain = band.gain if use_default and gain is None: continue gains[] = gain return gains
[docs]@dataclass class Karaoke(Filter): """ Attributes: level (float) mono_level (float) filter_band (float) filter_width (float) """ __filter_name__ = "karaoke" level: float = 1.0 mono_level: float = 1.0 filter_band: float = 220.0 filter_width: float = 100.0
[docs]@dataclass class Timescale(Filter): """ Attributes: speed (float): speed to play music at (> 0) pitch (float): pitch to set (> 0) rate (float): rate to set (> 0) """ __filter_name__ = "timescale" speed: float = 1.0 pitch: float = 1.0 rate: float = 1.0
[docs] def set_speed(self, value: float) -> None: """Setter for :py:attr:`speed` which performs a value check. Args: value: Value to set for the speed. ( (0, INF] ) Raises: ValueError: if the provided value is invalid. """ _ensure_in_interval(value, low=0) self.speed = value
[docs] def set_pitch(self, value: float) -> None: """Setter for :py:attr:`pitch` which performs a value check. Args: value: Value to set for the pitch. ( (0, INF] ) Raises: ValueError: if the provided value is invalid. """ _ensure_in_interval(value, low=0) self.pitch = value
[docs] def set_rate(self, value: float) -> None: """Setter for :py:attr:`rate` which performs a value check. Args: value: Value to set for the rate. ( (0, INF] ) Raises: ValueError: if the provided value is invalid. """ _ensure_in_interval(value, low=0) self.rate = value
[docs]@dataclass class Tremolo(Filter): """ Attributes: frequency (float): (> 0) depth (float): ( (0, 1] ) """ __filter_name__ = "tremolo" frequency: float = 2.0 depth: float = 0.5
[docs] def set_frequency(self, value: float) -> None: """Setter for :py:attr:`frequency` which performs a value check. Args: value: Value to set for the frequency. ( (0, INF] ) Raises: ValueError: if the provided value is invalid. """ _ensure_in_interval(value, low=0) self.frequency = value
[docs] def set_depth(self, value: float) -> None: """Setter for :py:attr:`depth` which performs a value check. Args: value: Value to set for the depth. ( (0, 1] ) Raises: ValueError: if the provided value is invalid. """ _ensure_in_interval(value, low=0, up_inc=1) self.depth = value
[docs]@dataclass class Vibrato(Filter): """ Attributes: frequency (float): ( (0, 14] ) depth (float): ( (0, 1] ) """ __filter_name__ = "vibrato" frequency: float = 2.0 depth: float = 0.5
[docs] def set_frequency(self, value: float) -> None: """Setter for :py:attr:`frequency` which performs a value check. Args: value: Value to set for the frequency. ( (0, 14] ) Raises: ValueError: if the provided value is invalid. """ _ensure_in_interval(value, low=0, up_inc=14) self.frequency = value
[docs] def set_depth(self, value: float) -> None: """Setter for :py:attr:`depth` which performs a value check. Args: value: Value to set for the depth. ( (0, 1] ) Raises: ValueError: if the provided value is invalid. """ _ensure_in_interval(value, low=0, up_inc=1) self.depth = value
[docs]@dataclass class VolumeFilter(Filter): """Volume filter settings. Attributes: volume (float): Volume modifier. This acts as a factor for the actual volume. """ __filter_name__ = "volume" volume: float = 1.0
_FILTERS: Set[Type[Filter]] = {Equalizer, Karaoke, Timescale, Tremolo, Vibrato, VolumeFilter} FILTER_MAP: Mapping[str, Type[Filter]] = {andesite_filter.__filter_name__: andesite_filter for andesite_filter in _FILTERS}
[docs]def get_filter_model(name: str) -> Optional[Type[Filter]]: """Get the corresponding filter model for the given name. If no model for the name exists, `None` is returned. Args: name: Name of the filter """ return FILTER_MAP.get(name)
FT = TypeVar("FT", bound=Filter)
[docs]@dataclass class FilterMap(MutableMapping): """Custom mapping type for filters. Attributes: filters (Dict[str, Any]): Dictionary containing all filters. Theoretically this is just a wrapper around the `filters` dictionary which contains the actual filter data. The class exposes the known filters as properties, but it also supports unknown filters should the library become outdated. You can also use this as a wrapper for an existing filter dict. """ filters: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) def __init__(self, filters: "FilterMapLike") -> None: if isinstance(filters, FilterMap): self.filters = filters.filters.copy() else: self.filters = filters def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(other, FilterMap): return eq(self.filters, other.filters) elif isinstance(other, Mapping): return eq(self.filters, other) else: return NotImplemented def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.filters) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.filters) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return iter(self.filters) def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> Any: return self.filters[item] def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: self.filters[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: del self.filters[key]
[docs] def get_filter(self, name: str, cls: Type[FT]) -> FT: """Get the filter with the name. Args: name: Name of the filter to get cls: `Filter` class to use for the filter. """ try: value = self[name] except KeyError: value = self[name] = cls() else: if not isinstance(value, cls): if isinstance(value, dict): value = self[name] = build_from_raw(cls, value) else: raise TypeError(f"Expected {cls}, found {type(value)!r}: {value}") return value
@property def equalizer(self) -> Equalizer: """Equalizer filter settings""" return self.get_filter("equalizer", Equalizer) @property def karaoke(self) -> Karaoke: """Karaoke filter settings""" return self.get_filter("karaoke", Karaoke) @property def timescale(self) -> Timescale: """Timescale filter settings""" return self.get_filter("timescale", Timescale) @property def tremolo(self) -> Tremolo: """Tremolo filter settings""" return self.get_filter("tremolo", Tremolo) @property def vibrato(self) -> Vibrato: """Vibrato filter settings""" return self.get_filter("vibrato", Vibrato) @property def volume(self) -> VolumeFilter: """Volume filter settings""" return self.get_filter("equalizer", VolumeFilter)
[docs] def set_filter(self, andesite_filter: Filter) -> None: """Set the value for a filter. Args: andesite_filter: Filter to set """ self[andesite_filter.__filter_name__] = andesite_filter
@classmethod def __transform_input__(cls, data: RawDataType) -> RawDataType: filters: RawDataType = {} for name, filter_value in data.items(): filter_cls = get_filter_model(name) if filter_cls is not None: filter_value = build_from_raw(filter_cls, filter_value) filters[name] = filter_value return dict(filters=filters) @classmethod def __transform_output__(cls, data: RawDataType) -> RawDataType: return data["filters"]
FilterMapLike = Union[FilterMap, Dict[str, Union[Filter, RawDataType]]]