Source code for andesite.state

"""State handler for Andesite clients.

If you want to store your state externally for example in a database, there
are two approaches you can use. You can either implement the
`AbstractState` and use the default `AndesitePlayerState` (which can be
easily converted to and from JSON), or you can use the default `State`
with a custom `AbstractPlayerState` implementation.
Both approaches have their advantages, but you should always consider that while
the get operations are often performed together (especially during state
migration), the set operations are not.

    StateArgumentType (Union[AbstractState, bool, None]): (Type alias)
        types which can be passed as a state handler to a client.

import abc
import functools
import logging
from typing import Any, Awaitable, Callable, Coroutine, Dict, Generic, Optional, TypeVar, Union

import andesite
from .transform import build_from_raw, convert_to_raw

__all__ = ["AbstractPlayerState", "PlayerState",
           "AbstractState", "State",
           "player_to_raw", "player_from_raw",
           "voice_server_update_to_raw", "voice_server_update_from_raw",
           "StateArgumentType", "_get_state"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def player_to_raw(player: andesite.Player) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Convert the given player to a JSON-serialisable dict. Args: player: Player to convert. Returns: A JSON-Serialisable dict containing all the data of the player. This data can be passed to `player_from_raw` which creates a `Player` instance again. """ return convert_to_raw(player)
[docs]def player_from_raw(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> andesite.Player: """Recreate a player from the converted dict. Args: data: Data returned by `player_to_raw` to convert to a Player. Raises: Exception: If the data can't be used to create a Player. Returns: Created `Player` instance. """ return build_from_raw(andesite.Player, data)
[docs]def voice_server_update_to_raw(update: andesite.VoiceServerUpdate) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Convert the given voice server update to a JSON-serialisable dict. Args: update: Voice server update to convert. Returns: A JSON-Serialisable dict containing all the data of the voice server update. This data can be passed to `voice_server_update_from_raw` which creates a `VoiceServerUpdate` instance again. """ return convert_to_raw(update)
[docs]def voice_server_update_from_raw(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> andesite.VoiceServerUpdate: """Recreate a voice server update from the converted dict. Args: data: Data returned by `voice_server_update_to_raw` to convert. Raises: Exception: If the data can't be used to create a voice server update. Returns: Created `VoiceServerUpdate` instance. """ return build_from_raw(andesite.VoiceServerUpdate, data)
[docs]class AbstractPlayerState(abc.ABC): """State of a single Andesite player. Notes: Unless you're doing something weird you don't need to call the setter functions. If the player state is managed by an `AbstractState` which is connected to a client then everything is done for you. See Also: `AndesitePlayerState` for an in-memory implementation. """ __slots__ = () def __str__(self) -> str: return f"PlayerState(guild_id={self.guild_id})" @property @abc.abstractmethod def guild_id(self) -> int: """ID of the guild the player is for.""" ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def get_player(self) -> Optional[andesite.Player]: """Get the player information. Returns: `Player` information or `None` if no player information is present. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def set_player(self, player: Optional[andesite.Player]) -> None: """Set the current player. Args: player: Player data to set. May be `None` to remove the player information. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def get_voice_server_update(self) -> Optional[andesite.VoiceServerUpdate]: """Get the last voice server update that was sent to the player. Returns: The last voice server update or `None` if none exists. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def set_voice_server_update(self, update: Optional[andesite.VoiceServerUpdate]) -> None: """Set the last voice server update. Args: update: Voice server update to set. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def get_track(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the currently playing track.""" ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def set_track(self, track: Optional[str]) -> None: """Set the currently playing track.""" ...
[docs]class PlayerState(AbstractPlayerState): """Default player state storing the state in memory. The player state can be converted to a JSON-serialisable dict using `to_raw`. A state can also be created from said dict using the classmethod `from_raw`. These methods exist to make it easy to implement a custom `AbstractState` which loads and stores serialised player states. """ __slots__ = ("__guild_id", "_player", "_track", "_voice_server_update") __guild_id: int _player: Optional[andesite.Player] _track: Optional[str] _voice_server_update: Optional[andesite.VoiceServerUpdate] def __init__(self, guild_id: int): self.__guild_id = guild_id self._player = None self._track = None self._voice_server_update = None @property def guild_id(self) -> int: return self.__guild_id
[docs] async def get_player(self) -> Optional[andesite.Player]: return self._player
[docs] async def set_player(self, player: Optional[andesite.Player]) -> None: self._player = player
[docs] async def get_track(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._track
[docs] async def set_track(self, track: Optional[str]) -> None: self._track = track
[docs] async def get_voice_server_update(self) -> Optional[andesite.VoiceServerUpdate]: return self._voice_server_update
[docs] async def set_voice_server_update(self, update: Optional[andesite.VoiceServerUpdate]) -> None: self._voice_server_update = update
[docs] @classmethod def from_raw(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> AbstractPlayerState: """Create an `AbstractPlayerState` from the raw data. Args: data: Raw player state data as returned by `to_raw` Returns: A new instance of `PlayerState` describing the same state as the data. """ inst = cls(data["guild_id"]) inst._track = data.get("track") try: raw_player = data["player"] except KeyError: pass else: if raw_player is not None: inst._player = player_from_raw(raw_player) try: raw_voice_server_update = data["raw_voice_server_update"] except KeyError: pass else: if raw_voice_server_update is not None: inst._voice_server_update = voice_server_update_from_raw(raw_voice_server_update) return inst
[docs] def to_raw(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Convert the player state into a JSON-serialisable dict. Use the classmethod `from_raw` to re-create a `PlayerState` using the returned data. """ if self._player: raw_player = player_to_raw(self._player) else: raw_player = None if self._voice_server_update: raw_voice_server_update = voice_server_update_to_raw(self._voice_server_update) else: raw_voice_server_update = None return { "guild_id": self.__guild_id, "player": raw_player, "track": self._track, "voice_server_update": raw_voice_server_update, }
async def _run_with_error_callback(coro: Coroutine, err_cb: Callable[[Exception], Awaitable]) -> None: try: await coro except Exception as e: await err_cb(e)
[docs]class AbstractState(abc.ABC): """Andesite state handler. Keeps track of the state of an Andesite node. """ __slots__ = () def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}" async def _handle_andesite_message(self, message: andesite.ReceiveOperation) -> None: """Handles the event of an andesite message being received. Args: message: Message that was sent. """ if isinstance(message, andesite.PlayerUpdate): coro = self.handle_player_update(message) elif isinstance(message, andesite.AndesiteEvent): coro = self.handle_andesite_event(message) else: return err_cb: Callable = functools.partial(self.on_handle_message_error, message) await _run_with_error_callback(coro, err_cb) async def _handle_sent_message(self, guild_id: int, op: str, payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Handles the event of a message being sent. Args: guild_id: Guild id the message was sent for. op: Operation code. payload: Raw payload of the message. """ if op == "voice-server-update": update = andesite.VoiceServerUpdate(payload["sessionId"], payload["event"]) coro = self.handle_voice_server_update(guild_id, update) else: return err_cb: Callable = functools.partial(self.on_handle_sent_message_error, guild_id, op, payload) await _run_with_error_callback(coro, err_cb)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def handle_player_update(self, update: andesite.PlayerUpdate) -> None: """Handle a player update. Args: update: Update that was received. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def handle_andesite_event(self, event: andesite.AndesiteEvent) -> None: """Handle an Andesite event. Args: event: Andesite event that was received. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def handle_voice_server_update(self, guild_id: int, update: andesite.VoiceServerUpdate) -> None: """Handle a voice server update. Args: guild_id: Guild the update applies to. update: Voice server update. """ ...
[docs] async def on_handle_message_error(self, message: andesite.ReceiveOperation, exc: Exception) -> None: """Called when an error occurs during message handling. Args: message: Message that caused the error exc: Exception that was raised. """ log.error(f"uncaught error {exc} in {self} when handling message {message}")
[docs] async def on_handle_sent_message_error(self, guild_id: int, op: str, payload: Dict[str, Any], exc: Exception) -> None: """Called when an error occurs during sent message handling. Args: guild_id: Guild the message was sent for. op: Operation code. payload: Raw payload which was sent. exc: Exception that was raised. """ log.error(f"uncaught error {exc} in {self} when handling sent message {op} for guild {guild_id}: {exc}\n\n" f"Payload: {payload}")
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def get(self, guild_id: int) -> AbstractPlayerState: """Get the player state of a guild. Args: guild_id: Guild to get player state for. Returns: Player state for the given guild. """ ...
PST = TypeVar("PST", bound=AbstractPlayerState)
[docs]class State(AbstractState, Generic[PST]): """Default implementation of `AbstractState`. Stores the player states in memory, unless explicitly suppressed. Args: state_factory: Callable which when called with a guild id, creates an `AbstractPlayerState`. The default is `PlayerState`. keep_states: Whether or not the player states should be stored when they're created. This is required for in-memory storage as otherwise the data would be lost. Attributes: player_states (Optional[Dict[int, AbstractPlayerState]]): Mapping from guild id to the corresponding player state. `None` if `keep_states` was `False`. """ __slots__ = ("player_states", "_state_factory") player_states: Optional[Dict[int, PST]] _state_factory: Callable[[int], PST] def __init__(self, *, state_factory: Callable[[int], PST] = PlayerState, keep_states: bool = True) -> None: self.player_states = {} if keep_states else None self._state_factory = state_factory def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}(state_factory={self._state_factory!r})" def _get_or_create_player_state(self, guild_id: int) -> PST: if self.player_states is None: return self._state_factory(guild_id) try: player_state = self.player_states[guild_id] except KeyError: player_state = self.player_states[guild_id] = self._state_factory(guild_id) return player_state
[docs] async def handle_player_update(self, update: andesite.PlayerUpdate) -> None: if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): log.debug(f"handling player update for {self}: {update}") state = self._get_or_create_player_state(update.guild_id) await state.set_player(update.state)
[docs] async def handle_andesite_event(self, event: andesite.AndesiteEvent) -> None: if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): log.debug(f"handling andesite event for {self}: {event}") if isinstance(event, (andesite.TrackEndEvent, andesite.TrackExceptionEvent, andesite.TrackStuckEvent)): track = None elif isinstance(event, andesite.TrackStartEvent): track = event.track else: return state = self._get_or_create_player_state(event.guild_id) await state.set_track(track)
[docs] async def handle_voice_server_update(self, guild_id: int, update: andesite.VoiceServerUpdate) -> None: player_state = self._get_or_create_player_state(guild_id) await player_state.set_voice_server_update(update)
[docs] async def get(self, guild_id: int) -> PST: return self._get_or_create_player_state(guild_id)
StateArgumentType = Union[AbstractState, bool, None] def _get_state(state: StateArgumentType) -> Optional[AbstractState]: """Handle state creation/suppression. Args: state: State which was passed to the function. Raises: TypeError: If an invalid state argument was passed. Returns: An instance of `State` if state is `None` or `True`, `None` if state is `False`, and `state` itself if it's a state. """ if state is None or state is True: return State() elif state is False: return None elif isinstance(state, AbstractState): return state else: raise TypeError("State must implement AbstractState. " "You can also use False to disable state handling or" "None to use the default state handler.")