Source code for andesite.transform

"""Transformation utilities.

These functions are used to transform the data sent by Andesite
into the Python models.

These functions aren't exported to the `andesite` namespace, if you
want to use them you need to import them from `andesite.transform`.
However, there shouldn't be a need for you to use them in the first place
as already does this for you.

    RawDataType (Dict[str, Any]): (Type alias) JSON-like object data type.
    CONVERTER_MEMO (lettercase.ConversionMemo): Memory used for letter case conversion.
    MapFunction ((T) -> `Any`): (Type alias) Callable that takes an argument and returns a new one.

import dataclasses
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, MutableMapping, MutableSequence, Optional, Type, TypeVar, cast, overload

import lettercase

__all__ = ["RawDataType",
           "transform_input", "transform_output",
           "convert_to_raw", "build_from_raw",
           "MapFunction", "map_convert_value", "map_convert_values", "map_convert_values_all",
           "from_milli", "to_milli",
           "from_centi", "to_centi",
           "map_convert_values_from_milli", "map_convert_values_to_milli",
           "map_filter_none", "map_rename_keys", "map_remove_keys"]

T = TypeVar("T")
KT = TypeVar("KT")
VT = TypeVar("VT")

RawDataType = Dict[str, Any]

# memo used to speed up key conversion
CONVERTER_MEMO = lettercase.ConversionMemo()

def _transform(transformer: Callable[[RawDataType], Optional[RawDataType]], data: RawDataType) -> RawDataType:
    """Perform a transformation.

        transformer: Transformer which is called with the data
        data: Data to be transformed

        If the transformer returned something other than `None`, it is returned.
        Otherwise it is assumed, that the transformer manipulated the data
        and the original data is returned.
    res = transformer(data)
    if res is None:
        return data
        return res

[docs]def transform_input(cls: Any, data: RawDataType) -> RawDataType: """Call the __transform_input__ classmethod on a model. This is different from calling the method directly because it always returns the current data. Args: cls: Target model whose transformation to apply data: Data to be transformed The transform method can either manipulate the provided data or replace it entirely by returning something other than `None`. Notes: When using this function inside of a transformation, make sure that you continue to work on the data returned by this function. Also, you cannot return `None` when using this function, you have to return the data. This is because you can't be sure whether the data has been modified or replaced and modifications on a replaced value wouldn't propagate upward unless you return them. """ try: transformer = cls.__transform_input__ except AttributeError: return data else: return _transform(transformer, data)
[docs]def transform_output(cls: Any, data: RawDataType) -> RawDataType: """Call the __transform_output__ classmethod on a model. This is different from calling the method directly because it always returns the current data. Args: cls: Target model whose transformation to apply data: Data to be transformed The transform method can either manipulate the provided data or replace it entirely by returning something other than `None`. Notes: When using this function inside of a transformation, make sure that you continue to work on the data returned by this function. Also, you cannot return `None` when using this function, you have to return the data. This is because you can't be sure whether the data has been modified or replaced and modifications on a replaced value wouldn't propagate upward unless you return them. """ try: transformer = cls.__transform_output__ except AttributeError: return data else: return _transform(transformer, data)
[docs]def convert_to_raw(obj: Any) -> RawDataType: """Convert a dataclass to a `dict`. This behaves similar to `dataclasses.asdict`. The difference is outlined below. The function uses `transform_output`, if the model provides a `__transform_output__` method it will be called. After transformation the keys of the data dict are converted from snake_case to dromedaryCase. This does not copy the values of the dataclass, modifying a value of the resulting `dict` will also modify the dataclass' value. Args: obj: Object to convert to its raw representation. Usually this is a dataclass, however, you can also parse `list`, `tuple`, and `dict` objects which will convert its members. All other types will be returned without modifying them. """ if dataclasses.is_dataclass(obj): data: RawDataType = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(obj): field = cast(dataclasses.Field, field) value = convert_to_raw(getattr(obj, data[] = value data = transform_output(obj, data) lettercase.mut_convert_keys(data, lettercase.SNAKE_CASE, lettercase.DROMEDARY_CASE, memo=CONVERTER_MEMO) return data elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): return type(obj)(convert_to_raw(value) for value in obj) elif isinstance(obj, dict): return type(obj)((convert_to_raw(key), convert_to_raw(value)) for key, value in obj.items()) else: # could copy it here to create a "safely" mutable dict but nah. return obj
@overload def build_from_raw(cls: Type[T], raw_data: None) -> None: ... @overload def build_from_raw(cls: Type[T], raw_data: RawDataType) -> T: ...
[docs]def build_from_raw(cls: Type[T], raw_data: Optional[RawDataType]) -> Optional[T]: """Build an instance of cls from the passed raw data. In the spirit of the other transform functions, `None` is treated as a special value and returned directly instead of handling it in any way. The function uses `transform_input`, if the model provides a `__transform_input__` method it will be called. After transformation the data is used as the keyword arguments to the cls constructor. Args: cls: Target type to build raw_data: Data which should be used to build the instance. If this is `None`, `None` is returned. """ if raw_data is None: return None lettercase.mut_convert_keys(raw_data, lettercase.DROMEDARY_CASE, lettercase.SNAKE_CASE, memo=CONVERTER_MEMO) raw_data = transform_input(cls, raw_data) return cls(**raw_data)
[docs]def seq_build_all_items_from_raw(items: MutableSequence[RawDataType], cls: Type[T]) -> None: """Build all items of a mutable sequence. This calls `build_from_raw` on all items in the sequence and assigns the result to the index. Args: items: Mutable sequence of raw data to be converted cls: Target type to build. Returns: This method mutates the provided sequence, it does not return anything. """ for i, value in enumerate(items): items[i] = build_from_raw(cls, value)
MapFunction = Callable[[T], Any]
[docs]def map_convert_value(mapping: MutableMapping[KT, T], key: KT, func: MapFunction) -> None: """Call a function on the value of a key of the provided mapping. The return value of the function then replaces the old value. If the key does not exist in the mapping, it is ignored and the function is not called. Args: mapping: Mutable mapping which is to be manipulated. key: Key whose value in the mapping is to be converted. If this key does not exist in the mapping, the conversion is aborted and the function doesn't perform any action. func: Callback which will be called with the value of the key. Its return value then replaces the previous value in the mapping. Returns: This method mutates the provided mapping, it does not return anything. """ try: value = mapping[key] except KeyError: return mapping[key] = func(value)
[docs]def map_convert_values(mapping: RawDataType, **key_funcs: MapFunction) -> None: """Run a callback for a key. For each key you can specify which function to run (<key> = <MapFunction>). Args: mapping: Mutable mapping for which to apply the conversion **key_funcs: key -> map function mapping. For each key the specified function will be applied using `map_convert_value`. Returns: This method mutates the provided mapping, it does not return anything. """ for key, func in key_funcs.items(): map_convert_value(mapping, key, func)
[docs]def map_convert_values_all(mapping: RawDataType, func: MapFunction, *keys: str) -> None: """Run the same callback on all keys. Works like `map_convert_values` but runs the same function for all keys. Args: mapping: Mutable mapping for which to apply the conversion func: Function to apply to the values of the specified keys. The function is run using `map_convert_value` *keys: Keys whose values are to be converted. Returns: This method mutates the provided mapping, it does not return anything. """ for key in keys: map_convert_value(mapping, key, func)
[docs]def map_build_values_from_raw(mapping: RawDataType, **key_types: Type[T]) -> None: """Build the values of the specified keys to the specified type. Args: mapping: Mutable mapping for which to apply the conversion **key_types: key -> type mapping. For each key the value will be converted to the provided type using `build_from_raw`. Returns: This method mutates the provided mapping, it does not return anything. """ for key, cls in key_types.items(): func = partial(build_from_raw, cls) map_convert_value(mapping, key, func)
[docs]def map_build_all_values_from_raw(mapping: MutableMapping[Any, RawDataType], cls: Type[T]) -> None: """Build all values of a mapping. This calls `build_from_raw` on all values of the mapping and replaces the old value with the result. Args: mapping: Mutable mapping whose values are to be built cls: Type to convert the values to Returns: This method mutates the provided mapping, it does not return anything. """ for key, value in mapping.items(): mapping[key] = build_from_raw(cls, value)
@overload def from_milli(value: int) -> float: ... @overload def from_milli(value: None) -> None: ...
[docs]def from_milli(value: Optional[int]) -> Optional[float]: """Convert a number from thousandths to base. Args: value: Value to convert from milli. Returns: Optional[float]: `None` if you pass `None` as the value, otherwise a `float`. """ if value is None: return value return value / 1000
@overload def to_milli(value: float) -> int: ... @overload def to_milli(value: None) -> None: ...
[docs]def to_milli(value: Optional[float]) -> Optional[int]: """Convert from base unit to thousandths. Args: value: Value to convert to milli. Returns: Optional[int]: `None` if you pass `None` as the value, otherwise an `int`. """ if value is None: return value return round(1000 * value)
@overload def from_centi(value: int) -> float: ... @overload def from_centi(value: None) -> None: ...
[docs]def from_centi(value: Optional[int]) -> Optional[float]: """Convert a number from hundredths to base. Args: value: Value to convert from centi. Returns: Optional[float]: `None` if you pass `None` as the value, otherwise a `float`. """ if value is None: return value return value / 100
@overload def to_centi(value: float) -> int: ... @overload def to_centi(value: None) -> None: ...
[docs]def to_centi(value: Optional[float]) -> Optional[int]: """Convert from base unit to hundredths. This is really just multiplying by 1000. Args: value: Value to convert to milli. Returns: Optional[int]: `None` if you pass `None` as the value, otherwise an `int`. """ if value is None: return value return round(100 * value)
[docs]def map_convert_values_from_milli(mapping: RawDataType, *keys) -> None: """Run `from_milli` on all specified keys' values. Args: mapping: Mutable mapping for which to apply the conversion *keys: Keys whose values to convert from milli. Uses `from_milli` to perform the conversion. Returns: This method mutates the provided mapping, it does not return anything. """ map_convert_values_all(mapping, from_milli, *keys)
[docs]def map_convert_values_to_milli(mapping: RawDataType, *keys) -> None: """Run `to_milli` on all specified keys' values. Args: mapping: Mutable mapping for which to apply the conversion *keys: Keys whose values to convert to milli. Uses `to_milli` to perform the conversion. Returns: This method mutates the provided mapping, it does not return anything. """ map_convert_values_all(mapping, to_milli, *keys)
[docs]def map_filter_none(mapping: MutableMapping[Any, Any]) -> None: """Remove all keys from the mapping whose values are `None`. Args: mapping: Mutable mapping to filter Returns: This method mutates the provided mapping, it does not return anything. """ remove_keys = {key for key, value in mapping.items() if value is None} for key in remove_keys: del mapping[key]
[docs]def map_rename_keys(mapping: MutableMapping[str, Any], **key_maps: str) -> None: """Rename keys of a mapping. This is just deleting the old key and assigning its value to the new key. Args: mapping: Mutable mapping to manipulate **key_maps: new -> old name mapping. The reason the mapping isn't from old to new is that you may want to rename keys that aren't python-friendly. """ for new_key, old_key in key_maps.items(): try: value = mapping.pop(old_key) except KeyError: continue else: mapping[new_key] = value
[docs]def map_remove_keys(mapping: MutableMapping[KT, Any], *keys: KT) -> None: """Remove a number of keys (and their values) from a mapping. Args: mapping: Mapping to remove keys from. *keys: Keys to remove. Returns: Nothing, the operation mutates the given mapping. """ for key in keys: try: del mapping[key] except KeyError: pass